Experts on Pest Control in Miami County Warn About 3 Spring Pests —Numerous bugs will emerge from their winter hibernation now that spring has arrived. Many residents in Miami County and around the Sunflower State may be confused about the kinds of insects they should be on the lookout for due to the increase in pest activity. Maintaining your regular pest control services is undoubtedly a good idea, but there are also some strategies to avoid springtime bugs. Here are three typical springtime pests in Kansas, according to Tri-County, a leader for pest control in Miami County.
Pest Control in Miami County Warns About Ants
Ants are a widespread household pest in Kansas and are frequently ranked as the nation’s number one annoying pest. The majority of ant species that are seen in kitchens searching for food are only thought of as a nuisance pest, but carpenter ants can actually harm structures.
Our experts on ant control and treatment in Miami County want you to make sure that all of the ants’ food sources have been removed from your kitchen and house. This entails putting preventative measures into action, such as storing food properly, wiping up spills, and following other logical sanitation procedures.

Experts on Pest Control in Miami County Warn About the Clover Mite
Miami County pest control professionals know that to the untrained eye, these small creatures look like little more than a tiny red speck, but they are seen as a nuisance. Clover mites live on plants and grass, and because these things are more plentiful in the spring, they are more active then. Clover mites are an issue since they may readily fit through any small crack or crevice in a home due to their tiny size. Despite not biting or harming people or homes, their size makes them challenging to handle.
Miami County pest control experts suggest that before opening your windows and doors to let in the crisp spring breeze, it’s crucial to check that the screens are securely fastened. A clover mite could fit through even the smallest crack.

Pest Control Experts in Miami County Warn About Termites
When it comes to termite removal in Miami County KS, you should know that the termite most frequently observed in our state is the subterranean termite, which can be found in colonies with thousands of wood-eating insects below the soil’s surface. One of the most expensive pests to deal with is termites, which can cause significant damage over time if left unchecked. Termites can wreak havoc on your home’s infrastructure, including the flooring, walls, and furniture.
Termites are capable of causing extensive damage; therefore, it is important to take precautions to avoid termite infestations. You may do this by removing damp, decaying wood from your land and making sure that water is not running onto your property.
If you are concerned about spring infestations call on Tri-County, your source for pest control in Miami County!
If you need bed bug removal in Miami County, call us today!

20 Years Protecting Our Customers With Advanced Miami County Pest Control Services

Contact Tri-County for Your Miami County Pest Control Needs
If you want an expert for termite control In Miami County or bed bug treatment in Miami County, contact Tri-County Termite & Pest Control. We are also your source for spider control and ant removal in Miami County. We proudly serve La Cygne, Louisburg, Paola, Greeley, and many other neighboring communities. We take pest control to another level by serving the needs of our valued customers.
Give us a call today at (913) 757-3636 or contact us online for more information. We look forward to assisting you!